Davos Indymedia Platform of Action against the World Economic Forum (WEF) Support the demonstration against the WEF! Sleeping places Affinity Groups Pictures from 29.1.00 ![]() |
![]() In January 2001, around 2000 self-titled "Global Leaders" from the fields of industry, politick, science, media and culture are planning to meet together in the quietly situated town of Davos in the Swiss Alps. The goal of this, the 31st meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF), is the planning of the global future. Meaning, of course, a future for the convenience of the market-leading enterprises represented in the WEF. A future of profit maximizing and one of the impoverishment of millions of people, north and south. Although WEF representatives changed their rhetoric, if only after the massive Anti-WTO-Protests in Seattle, to talk of "Social Responsibility" and "Bridging the Divide", their goals remain the same.
We want to prevent these self-titled "Global-Leaders" from meeting behind closed doors to decide the future of the planet to their favor. For this reason we are calling for a blockade of the meeting of the WEF which is planned to take place from the 25th to the 30th of January in Davos. In addition to the Blockade, a mass-demo followed by a festival will take place on the 27th of January in Davos. We hope that all the people who have already met in Seattle, Melbourne, Prague, or Nice, or who have carried out actions where they live, will meet up again here. We also look forward to seeing the people who are coming for the first time to take part of the protests. Meeting together in Davos will offer us the possibility to exchange experiences, to learn from each other, and to develop our practice and perspectives together.